
The Turkey Lamp

The turkey lamp came back to us after it was sold and the person said this would make a great gift to keep coming back each year. That started its journey by being auctioned out each year and to date our turkey lamp has raised us $16,000.00 over the last 7 years.

Each year when the turkey lamp comes back to be auctioned off the family gets a bottle of Red Rooster wine and a picture of the turkey lamp.

Opening Bid Starts at $500.00

Brandon's Story

Brandon has been involved in PG Therapeutic Riding for 11 years!  This year he rode Spirit, but has also ridden Tramp, Fancy and Gem in the past.  He is learning to steer the horse in the direction he wants to go by pulling on the left or right side of the reins.   Brandon likes going through the poles, backing up and “shooting hoops” while he rides.  He also likes to bring a carrot for the horse to thank them for the ride!  Brandon loves riding and  would like to thank Barb, Connie, Caroline, Jacquie, Michael and all of the volunteers for everything they do to help make it possible for him to ride!

Brett's Story

Brett is a young man who loves riding. He is one of the original riders from 28 years ago. Every year in the spring Brett says Nay! Nay! and hopefully the answer will be yes we will be riding soon. When Brett rides his self confidence is reached as he
goes around the arena saying See! See!

With the horseback riding his core has stayed strong and his stretching his muscles in his legs.

Liam's and Ronin's Story

My two sons Liam who is 4 and has Down syndrome and autism and Ronin who is 5 has autism have started talking as a result of this program.

That is huge!!!!! Imagine your children not speaking then getting on a horse and mastering that skill with the love and attention of the volunteers and starting to communicate, gain confidence and physical stamina where they are stronger and happier as a result of a skill they would never have.

Like Riding a Bike

Theraputic Riding is lots of fun because I get to ride horses. I have learned how to ride by myself. Riding a horse has helped me with my balance and now I can ride a bike. If there was no Theraputic riding I would not be able to ride horses.

Thank you to everyone who helps with riding!

Shannon's Word

Shannon enjoys everything about her riding lesson, including petting and brushing the horses, Giving them snacks at the end of the lesson and talking to them.

Shannon’s word is HAPPY!!!

Kyle's Story

For our adult non-verbal autistic son, who also has Tourette’s syndrome (and anxiety and OCD) it’s given him a sense of accomplishment as well as pride that nothing else has been able to do. Even on his worst days with tics (which can be gross motor which means his whole body is engulfed with them all day for every waking moment, and he can do little else), when he gets to be with the horses as well as ride, it’s a 1/2 hour break of them. Imagine a full day (or multiple days) of massive involuntary body movements…a 1/2 hr break is a godsend and nothing else can provide that, not even prescription medication. The independence he is gaining from riding is also incredible. All his life he’s been told that he has to try and communicate on verbal people’s terms, using his limited vocal sounds and his iPad to communicate. Along comes therapeutic riding, and not only do the volunteers accept him for who he is, but he can non- verbally communicate with horses…they speak a similar language. To be able to not only communicate with another nonverbal being but also be able to get the horse to listen to him is incredibly empowering  He also had his first paid job (outside of delivering newspapers as a kid) looking after the 6 horses three days a week. He takes great pride in his work and is growing more independent with doing it each time. He feels such a sense of accomplishment and feels valued. It’s rare to have someone who requires a support worker with them to find a paying job, and PGTRA has given that opportunity.

A Volunteer's Story

As a volunteer, even on the most difficult days at work, seeing the riders eyes light up when they see their horse, and also their cheers of “I did it!” when they’ve accomplished a goal they’ve been working hard on with their horse, to me is so incredibly rewarding. The horses themselves touch my heart, and it’s beautiful to see others get out of riding what it did for me when I was a child and had my own horse Volunteering with PGTRA is a lot of hard work, most of it physically demanding, but being able to witness the difference it makes in the riders lives makes it so worth it.

The saying, “it takes a village to raise a child,” is so true and it doesn’t stop at childhood for our kids. It carries well over into adulthood. I am so thrilled to be a part of these riders village and also that everyone there is a part of ours.